Public events

To reach out to a broader public, the Lorentz Center organizes public events.

We bring many scientists and scholars to the Netherlands. Of course, the main goal of their visit is to participate in a Lorentz Center workshop, but among these visitors there are also many talented science communicators who are willing to reach out to a broader public.

To enable this, the Lorentz Center organizes public lectures together with with academic institutions and stakeholders outside the academic environment, such as Rijksmuseum Boerhaave and Rijksmuseum van Oudheden.




Models of Consciousness

6 April 2013 @Oort

Henk Barendregt

6 - 06 april 2013

Stars Gears and the Ancient Greeks

18 June 2013 @Public Lecture@Boerhaave

Mike Edmunds, Alexander Jones

18 - 18 june 2013

The Future of Art Science Collaborations

7 - 10 October 2013 @Oort

Jacco van Uden

7 - 10 october 2013

Synthetic Biology and Symbolic Order

8 November 2013 @Snellius

Henk Jochemsen

8 - 08 november 2013

Einsteins Legacy Studying Gravity in War and Peace

19 December 2013 @Oort

David Kaiser

19 - 19 december 2013

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2333 CA Leiden

The Netherlands

+31 71 527 5400